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Increase your profits with advanced maintenance scheduling

Bao Quan Nguyen |

It’s time to think of maintenance scheduling as a part of your profit centre. Speeding up and simplifying your maintenance scheduling can help you lower your production costs and increase profits.

But managing it in SAP isn’t easy without a centralised graphical schedule board. If you’re looking to improve your production ability and make it more reliable you need the right digital tools.

Project future maintenance orders

You need a system that could project future maintenance orders for you so that they are in your future sights. With our Advanced Scheduling you can simulate all your preventive jobs which don’t actually exist yet, allowing you to plan and forecast your resources into the future. The advantage of this is that, even though you can’t schedule the anticipated jobs (because they don’t exist yet), you have clear visibility of what is happening going forward into the future and how much workload is likely to be generated.

This view ‘into the future’ allows you to plan more efficiently, for example you may have jobs that will need completing on two different machines that are linked, or you need to shut down one machine in order to maintain another one. You’re able to view this sort of complexity of grouping jobs and can anticipate for the workload well in advance.  

Bring your SAP Plant Maintenance or Customer Service to the next level

Ready4 Advanced Scheduling displays the data in a graphical way and allows you to re-group it for functional location, production line and so on. With this preventive maintenance plan, it also enables you to change scheduled dates and be more flexible.

It allows you to be much more agile and understand the impact of your workloads versus capacity and the dependencies between jobs well into the future.

Discover how to achieve your preventive maintenance plan with a demo of Ready4 Advanced Scheduling

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