There are many reasons why companies are progressively choosing to embrace IoT, whether it’s through the need for increased productivity, developing higher growth opportunities or responding to competitor threats. But knowing why to start and importantly where to start can be challenging.
3 reasons to start your IoT journey
Improve the efficiency of your processes
If your business is involved in manufacturing, logistics or warehousing then IoT presents you with many efficiency gains. Knowing where your parts, materials and products are throughout their life cycle with the use of sensors allows you to use that data to achieve things that were not previously possible. For example, routine or fixed maintenance of machinery can be replaced with predictive maintenance enabling you to use your data to calculate when and how your machine will be maintained.
Reduce your operational costs
Monitoring and using data continuously collected from sensors lets you improve your operational excellence overall and therefore lower costs. If you are able to optimise operational processes then you can reduce costs.
Change your business model
Sensors that monitor your data allow you to start to understand and build a picture of where, why and how your products are used. You will quickly obtain accurate usage patterns and be able to analyse every second of your product’s life, giving you actionable information.
This in turn will create new opportunities for change and growth, whether it’s to develop additional services or change your business model.
Starting your IoT journey
We have recently extended our collaboration with T-Systems Netherlands and can now offer a complete spectrum of IoT services. T-Systems will support organisations with the sensor selection and management, communication and networking aspects as well as end-to-end security. SOA People will use the Intelligent Technologies from SAP portfolio for providing the application logic, processing on SAP Cloud Platform and business execution in combination with SAP back-end systems such as SAP ERP and S/4HANA.
Why not start applying IoT to your business now? At SOA People we help customers to identify IoT opportunities that will create impact on their business. Whether it’s an idea for one device or one process, however small, we’ll help you develop your ideas, set priorities and identify where IoT could take you. In as little as a few days, we’ll have a prototype ready for you in Intelligent Technologies from SAP so you can experience your idea, pilot it and then together we can fine-tune it into a real life, eye-opening project.
Start your IoT conversation with us now.