Services Services
High Tech - User Experience

SAP Fiori allows quick and competent response to change requests

Amadeus turned to its implementation partner SOA People to provide application support with its Ready to Support service. SAP Friori user interface was integral to the service and ensured change requests were quick and efficient.
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Amadeus is a leading provider of IT solutions, innovation and technology to the global travel and tourism industry. Over 80% of air bookings made by travel agencies through the Amadeus system globally came from carriers using Amadeus technology. Amadeus is the preferred technology provider and partner of some of the world’s leading companies, including British Airways, Qantas, AMEX, IBM, Siemens and Lufthansa.

The Challenge

In order unify its methods for organising projects, budgets and resources across its 25 locations around the world, the travel booking solutions specialist had deployed a centralised project portfolio tool which was natively integrated with the group’s SAP S/4HANA ERP. But when it came to dedicated system administration and maintenance, Amadeus found that it did not have the internal resources or skill set to optimise the utilisation.

“Internally our support teams are skilled up for our SAP systems, but with the new application design which included a simplified user interface on SAP Fiori, we were facing resourcing and availability challenges,” says Julien Lister, Service Manager Project Portfolio Solutions, Amadeus IT Group.


  • Seamless support for change requests
  • Easy engagement
  • Access to expertise in application support
“The SOA People developers are good at what they do, and with our combined team we are equipped to offer the required expertise and capability to deliver a businesscritical service to our users.” “The team constantly ensures that we are happy with the service, our training and resource needs are met and the performance is consistent and well managed.” Julien Lister, Service Manager Project Portfolio Solutions, Amadeus IT Group.