Services Services
Rental - ERP - Digital Transformation

Successful 10-year relationship supports exponential growth in the Maintenance Industry

SOA People has supported BIA over the past 10 years, providing the latest SAP functionality, applications and licences to standardise processes to help the development of its supply chain management and to promote growth
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The BIA Group is a leader in the sale and maintenance of machinery for mining, civil engineering, recycling, handling, and power. With headquarters in Belgium, the Company also operates in the Netherlands and in more than 20 African countries. It employs over 1,300 people across the Group, including more than 850 engineers and technicians.

The Challenge

Customer service is a main priority for BIA to ensure it can provide spare parts and servicing in a fast and efficient way.  It therefore needed better communications between field technicians and planners to assist with work order planning and scheduling.  It also wanted to have one system that could provide all the business information to give a consolidated view of its finance and sales data.


BIA’s SAP systems have helped support its primary activities around supply chain, delivering and maintaining the machinery it sells to large multinational mining companies.  The development of its supply chain management has been made possible with the organisation structure and standardisation that has been delivered in the operations via its SAP systems.. BIA has been provided with the latest SAP functionality, applications and licences as well as server hosting via T-Systems. Ready4 Advanced Scheduling, SAP Business Objects and Movilizer have all been implemented to assist with planning, reporting and faster data collection.


  • Growing confidence in the running of its operations by standardising SAP across the business supply chain with the provision of digital workflow transformation.
  • Consolidated Enterprise reporting with all finance and sales data in one place, delivering enhanced performance-critical business intelligence
  • BIA’s SAP  back-end systems are connected directly to the field technicians and planners to seamlessly manage field operations.
  • Ready4 Asset Management gives BIA a powerful maintenance and scheduling resource tool.
  • Movilizer provides field technicians with a digital mobile solution for faster data collection.
  • SAP Business Objects enhances reporting capabilities, giving access to real-time insights to aid better decision making.
“We work with many mining experts globally with different equipment all on different systems. We needed to be able to work in the same way with the same processes and structure”.