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Discrete Manufacturing - Support

SAP support center optimisation allows reduced TCO

Kubota’s objective was to rationalise skills and company practices to improve its ROI. It chose SOA People Academy to ensure a fair balance of skills, an improvement in service quality and a reduction in TCO.
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Based in Osaka, Kubota manufactures agricultural equipment, industrial engines and diggers for public works. Kubota has five subsidiaries in Europe. To support the company's expansion, in 2006 the parent company decided to migrate the information systems for all its European subsidiaries under SAP.

The Challenge

To distinguish itself in a market that is more and more competitive and to pursue its growth, Kubota must be able to count on applications that provide high levels of performance and flexibility. Its objectives: to guarantee technical stabilisation of applications in place, to ensure improvement and upgradeability of processes, and to meet professional needs.


  • Technical stabilisation and optimized processes
  • Greater simplicity for users through task automation
  • Improvement in service quality
  • Reduction in total cost of ownership
“Supported by consultants from SOA-PEOPLE, we have rationalised skills and practices within the center to reduce the TCO of SAP solutions as far as possible and to improve team productivity and, in particular, our customers’ satisfaction.” Homayoun Mir, CIO of the Business Innovation Center, Kubota