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High Tech - ERP - Digital Transformation

Implementing SAP to revolutionise business processes

To support its growth and deal with the complexity of a high-technology market, Septentrio decided SAP software implemented by SOA People would give it better visibility of operational performance and more control of processes.
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Septentrio designs, manufactures and sells highly accurate GPS/GNSS receivers, for demanding applications requiring accuracies in the decimetre or centimetre range, even under difficult conditions. Whether on the high seas or at high latitudes, in urban canyons or under canopies their receivers deliver fast, accurate and reliable positioning data.

The Challenge

Septentrio wanted better visibility of operational performance and more effective control of their processes to support the growth of the business, their technological innovation and creativity. As a small to medium sized enterprise, financial and cost control is important. They determined that they needed an integrated solution to support this.


  • Visibility of operational performance on main business drivers
  • Considerable business growth per annum underpinned by standardised processes
  • Effective financial cost control
  • No manpower increases, but more productivity and more projects
  • Support for international projects, facilitating exports worldwide

“The implementation of SAP by SOA People has delivered a great solution for our growing and complex technology business. Their knowledge of SAP and understanding of our business needs has ensured a successful project.” Mrs. Ingrid Velghe, Director of Operations, Septentrio