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Summer Box Asset Management

Discover in this Summer Box some great insights to help transform your end to end maintenance processes and technologies.
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Smart Cockpit Image 5 Work order schedulinglow

Simplify and optimise your industrial maintenance cycle of operations and effectively manage your field service scheduling and workloads in SAP. Centralise your maintenance and service activities to view and plan all your resources: labour, equipment, tooling and spare parts in one system.

Discover more about Scheduling


R4 Advanced Planning Image 1 Bannerlow-1

Simplify your industrial maintenance execution and effectively manage your field service planning and workloads in SAP. Centralise your maintenance planning activities with all your resources, labour, tooling and spare parts in one place.

Discover more about Planning


Image 1 - Gatekeeping in SAPlow

The gatekeeping process allows you to assess, evaluate, prioritise and validate your work requests. Ready4 Asset Management puts checks in so that you can link your work request with the validation of the work before it commences.

Smart Cockpit

Smart Cockpit Image 1 Bannerlow

The Smart Cockpit puts you firmly in the driving seat of your Asset Management platform. Find out how the essential operational dashboard tool gives you control over every aspect of your end-to-end industrial maintenance .

Discover more about Smart Cockpit


SOA People Group acquires Danish software and SAP consultancy firm 2BM

SOA People is set to meet its target of becoming one of the top 3 SAP software and service providers in Europe.

3 min.

ISO 55000: delivering a sustainable approach to asset maintenance

In today’s world the performance of assets is a key factor for all organisations. We’ve moved on from the past where assets were simply deemed to be...

3 min.

How to achieve a 360-degree view of your asset management performance

As a Technical Asset Manager, you have responsibility for the management of your organisation’s asset portfolio. These responsibilities usually cover...

2 min.